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According to many, Dolan's most emotional and personal film. 15-year-old Steve is a nice kid, but has ADHD. His loving mother Diane has to pull out all the stops.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


Director Xavier Dolan was only 25 when he made Mommy, his fifth feature film. According to many reviewers at the time, it was his most emotional and personal film up to that point. The excellent cast includes a number of familiar faces: Anne Dorval, Antoine-Olivier Pilon and Suzanne Clément, people who also featured in his previous films. Dolan, for once not in the leading role, wrote the screenplay and designed the costumes himself. Striking aspect: Dolan shot the film in a 1:1 format - the image is square. The film won 59 film awards, including the Jury Prize at Cannes.

15-year-old Steve is essentially a nice kid, but he has ADHD, which leads to uncontrollable rages and violent behaviour. His single mother Diane will do anything to protect him, but it is not easy. Then Kyla, the new neighbour, appears on the scene. This former teacher becomes very close friends with Diane and Steve. Better times seem to be ahead.