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Les rendez-vous d’Anna

A filmmaker travels across Europe to promote her new film - a film about longing, loneliness, displacement, sexual identity, mother-daughter relationships and the recurring spectre of war.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Les rendez-vous d’Anna

The somewhat aloof and timid filmmaker Anna Silver (Akerman's alter ego) arrives in Germany to promote her new film. She takes a complete stranger to her hotel to share the bed, but also sends him away just like that. And so she has several meetings: in Cologne with an old friend, in Brussels she meets her mother (Lea Massari), on the train she listens to the story of a fellow traveller and in Paris she meets her lover Daniel. Anna turns out to be the centre of a group of lost souls, of people in deep existential misery. The war, even though it ended over 30 years ago, is never far away.

This story of longing, loneliness, (sexual) identity and the recurring spectre of war is considered by many to be one of Akerman's best films. She uses her signature static, symmetrical compositions and fluid tracking shots, leading to seemingly calm images that actually enhance the emotional impact.