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In Barbieland, everything and everyone is perfect. Except if you have an existential crisis. Or if you are a Ken...

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


In 1959, Barbie was born. Ruth Handler, one of the founders of toy manufacturer Mattel, then came up with the idea of marketing an elegant fashion doll for girls and she named the doll after her baby daughter Barbara. It turned out to be a golden move, and Barbie is still popular today. Countless times the doll has featured in stop-motion and animated films, director Greta Gerwig (Frances Ha, Ladybird) has now made the first live-action film with Margot Robbie as Barbie. Of course, Ken is also in it, played by Ryan Gosling. Helen Mirren and Dua Lippa also make an appearance. Gerwig wrote the screenplay for this delightful comedy together with Noah Baumbach.

In Barbieland, everything is perfect, especially Barbie herself. Yet she increasingly begins to question the meaning and purpose of everything; she finds herself in an existential crisis. During her search for meaning and herself, she meets Ken. With him, she travels to the 'real' world...

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