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5 Seasons of Revolution

Camerawoman Lina wanted to capture everyday life back home in Syria, but the outbreak of the uprising in 2011 changed everything.

Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

5 Seasons of Revolution

In late 2010, people in Tunisia took to the streets to protest against repression, corruption, rigged elections, poverty and unemployment - in short, a protest against the incumbent regime that was held responisble for all this. It marked the beginning of the Arab Spring. In 2011, the wave of protests also reached Syria, but while in other Arab countries the protests resulted in positive changes, President Assad's regime opted for harsh repression, leading to a bloody civil war that continues to this day.

It is against this backdrop that the story begins that twenty-something Lina wants to tell. She wanted to be a camerawoman, someone who would capture the lives of those around her. But with the outbreak of the uprising, everything changed. Suddenly arrests and torture were part of her daily reality, which meant she had to completely rearrange her life - the price she paid for the freedom to hold a camera.