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The Color Purple

The compelling story of three women whose lives are inextricably linked. A powerful new version of the much-loved classic.

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The Color Purple

In 1985, Steven Spielberg scored high marks with The Color Purple, based on Alice Walker's bestseller of the same name. In 2005, the gripping coming-of-age story was turned into a successful Broadway musical. Now - more than 40 years after the book was published - director Blitz Bazawule (The Burial of Kojo, among others) is creating a powerful new version of the beloved classic about an African-American woman struggling with her identity after 40 years of abuse.

Georgia, early 20th century: after a childhood of abuse, Celie is trapped in a marriage to an older man. There is no love or equality, she is treated more like a slave than a woman. Fortunately, there are also two bright spots in her life: her good friend Sofia and Shug Avery, her husband's mistress. With them, Celie finds the strength needed in her journey to independence. An equally powerful and compelling story about three women whose lives are inextricably linked as in an unbreakable sisterhood.