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How to Have Sex

Three British teenage girls plan to have lots of sex during their holidays in Crete. They find out that all that is not so easy.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

How to Have Sex

Tara, Skye and Em, three British teenage girls, travel to Malia in Crete for what should be an unforgettable summer holiday. The three agree that whoever has the most sex during that holiday will get the biggest bed in the hotel room. Tara doubts she will be the winner; after all, she has never done 'it' before. Maybe Badger or Paddy, the boys in the room next to theirs, will be suitable candidates. In the evening, they plunge into nightlife - there is dancing, drinking and lots of flirting. The pressure of doing it for the first time puts the relationships between them on edge; the three realise that it is all very different from what they imagined after all.

In this self-written and now critically acclaimed feature debut, Molly Manning Walker shows what is involved in 'the first time', the fears, vulnerabilities and insecurities. And she does so with warmth and empathy, without moralising.

VPRO Cinema

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