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Tiger Stripes

Zaffan struggles with puberty and discovers a terrifying secret about her changing body. Award-winning at the Cannes Film Festival.

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Tiger Stripes

To say that 12-year-old Zaffan struggles with puberty is an understatement. She feels how her body is changing and talking about it with her friends or family is not so easy. Then, when she discovers a terrifying secret about her changing body, she does everything she can to hide this dark side of herself. Nevertheless, her friends and loved ones discover the truth and turn against her. Zaffan is cornered and learns that there is only one way she can be free: by embracing her true self.

Director Amanda Nell Eu combines drama with horror to depict the turbulent transition period from girl to young woman. Tiger Stripes not only painstakingly portrays the struggles, but also shows alongside the vulnerabilities how self-awareness can result in strength. The film premiered at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival where it won the Grand Prix de la Semaine de la Critique.

VPRO Cinema