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Breaking Social

The world is dominated by greed at the expense of everything. Fortunately, there are those who stand up against it. A hopeful portrait.

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Breaking Social

When a company's costs rise, they are invariably passed on to the customer. Sometimes to such an extent that not only are the costs covered, but additional profits can be made: graaiflatie (greedflation), tellingly the Dutch word of the year in 2023. And unfortunately, it is like this everywhere. Tax havens flourish, the environment is plundered, the stone-rich get richer and richer, the poor remain poor.

An (unwritten) social contract should form the basis of any society, a contract, in which justice and respect between all parties is central. This idea recurs in all of Swedish filmmaker Frederik Gertten's documentaries. He observes that in many countries, not much has come of this contract, but that it is all about wanting more and greed; kleptocracy is everywhere. Fortunately, there are also people who stand up to this; Gertten lets them have their say in his hopeful new film. Rutger Bregman (Humankind: A Hopeful History) also shares his insights.