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Asog - CinemAsia

Newly unemployed Jaya embarks on a journey across the Philippines to compete in a queer beauty pageant and win the cash prize. Along the way, they meet fellow Filipinos enduring the impact of a destructive typhoon.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


Set in the aftermath of the 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan, newly unemployed Jaya, a former comedian and school teacher, embarks on a journey across the Philippines in hopes of winning a queer beauty pageant and the cash prize. Their solitary journey is interrupted by Arnel, a student heading toward the same direction in search of family.

A fascinating chronicle of the unlikely duo’s turbulent journey to pick up the pieces of their lives, co-writer and director Seán Devlin offers a fascinating portrait of Jaya’s worldview, combining urgent commentary on colonialism, transphobia, land theft, and climate change with a rich allegory that incorporates Filipino mythology and history.

This unique hybrid documentary, executive produced by actor Alan Cumming and writer-director Adam McKay, illuminates the impact of climate change in the Philippines and the unbroken spirit of Filipino solidarity with urgency, humour, and above all, love.