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Abang Adik - CinemAsia

The bond of two undocumented brothers, Abang and Adi, is tested after Adi’s pent-up rage causes a fatal accident.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Abang Adik - CinemAsia

Undocumented local brothers, Abang and Adi, can’t be any more different from each other. Set in the Pasar Pudu district of Kuala Lumpur, which is best known for housing countless undocumented and illegal migrants of various nationalities living below the poverty line, Abang seeks stability through working hard despite his hearing and speech disability, while Adi is frustrated with life’s injustice and makes a living through petty crimes and prostitution. Their fragile existence is disrupted following a fatal accident, leading them to examine their brotherhood and the value of life.

Framed within the undocumented migrant crisis in Malaysia, this award-winning debut feature tells a tale of love, sacrifices, and familial bond. It portrays the precarious network of support and chosen family, all the while unveiling the institutional failures and the absurdity of being denied citizenship, basic rights, and existence.