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The Missing - CinemAsia

When a confronting discovery triggers visions of a familiar yet sinister alien, a mouthless young man is forced to recollect his repressed memories in this animated Academy Awards entry from the Philippines.

Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

The Missing

Shy and slightly withdrawn, Eric lives a normal life working as an animator in the city. What makes Eric different is that he does not have a mouth and is unable to speak. One day, his mother asks him to check on his estranged uncle, only for the reluctant Eric to find out that his uncle has been dead for a few days. This confronting revelation sparks visions of a familiar yet sinister alien who threatens to take him away.

Based on filmmaker Carl Joseph E. Papa's deeply personal memories, The Missing tells a tale of repressed childhood trauma and reconciliation with great care, tenderness, and sensitivity. Through a mix of rotoscope and 2D animation, the audience compassionately perceives the world as Eric does and experiences his inner world as he takes his steps towards healing and empowerment.