September 1923
Amid the chaos and devastating aftermath of the 1923 Great KantÅ Earthquake, false rumours led to the mass killing of Koreans in Japan. When 15 Japanese peddlers arrived in a small village speaking their own dialect, a case of mistaken identity resulted in over 100 villagers brutally attacking them and killing nine. This dark piece of Japanese history is known as the Fukuda Village Incident.
Director Mori Tatsuya, an acclaimed documentary filmmaker, skillfully dramatises this tragic history into a commendable narrative, shedding light on a hidden chapter of Japanese history from a century ago. Seamlessly connecting with modern concerns, the narrative delves into the consequences of misinformation and collective fear, offering a compelling portrayal of tragedy with enduring relevance. The film addresses the violent aftermath of the earthquake, and it explores how chaos and ethnic hostility can be fueled by misinformation, fear, and mass hysteria.