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De wereld van Carlijn

Carlijn Kingma makes maps of the worlds of ideas. Ariane Greep portrays the creative process of her latest work: The waterworks of money.

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De wereld van Carlijn

Carlijn Kingma studied Architecture at TU Delft, a study she completed in 2016 in a very unusual and remarkable way. Her graduation project, entitled The Institute of Utopianism, was an animated film in which she presented fifty of her drawings. She received the very highest mark for it. She sees these drawings as maps on which she depicts (utopian) worlds of ideas and for this she uses only paper, a crown pen or Rotring pen and India ink. For all this, she has drawn inspiration from Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Giovanni Battista Piranesi and Joseph Gandy, among others. It has already won her many domestic and international awards.

Het waterwerk van ons geld (The waterworks of money) is her most recent work, a drawing that charts our financial system in great detail; how does money flow, where does that money come from and why do some benefit and others not? Kingma had filmmaker Ariane Greep capture the entire creation process, from the very first dash to the finished work.