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Il pleut dans la maison

17-year-old Purdey and her 15-year-old brother Makenzy from Wallonia have to fend for themselves in the hot summer. Their alcoholic mother is no help to them.

Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Il pleut dans la maison

In a small village in Wallonia, 17-year-old Purdey and her brother Makenzy, who is two years younger, live in a decrepit house; when it rains outside, it rains inside too, the walls are covered in mould. They live there with their alcoholic mother, who is not home more often than not. Summer has arrived and, as always, brother and sister have to fend for themselves. Purdey finds a job as a cleaner at a holiday park, while Makenzy earns his money by robbing tourists. Amid summer carelessness, the realisation dawns on both that they will have to say goodbye to their childhood after this summer.

In 2017, director Paloma Sermon-Daï made the short film Makenzy, about Makenzy and his sister Purdey. For her first feature, the social-realist drama Il pleut dans la maison, she has returned to those characters, who are now about to take a major turn in their lives.