Standing Together
How to create constructive dialogue and cooperation against all odds. The film takes a deeper look at fundamental problems that have been around long before the outbreak of war between Hamas and Israel. The aim of this evening is precisely to create such a constructive dialogue in order to move closer together from there.
Led by Lievnath Faber (Oy Vey), Alon-Lee Green and Rula Daood will enter into the talk. Both are directors of Standing Together, a grassroots movement mobilising Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel for peace, equality, and social and climate justice.

Disturbing the Peace
Since 2005, Israelis and Palestinians have been fighting side-by-side ánd non-violently for peace, united as the Combatants for Peace. Filmmakers Stephen Apkon and Andrew Young tell the story of this very active group.
The Palestinians and Israelis who have united in this group have extraordinary life stories marked by their country's complex history. They have attempted suicide bombing or fought an unequal battle in the service of the Israeli army. What they have in common is that they have come to the realisation that armed struggle will not lead to peace and will only claim more victims.
That is why they are now committed to convincing others to lay down their arms as well. They do this through theatre performances and demonstrations, among other things. Even though their activism sometimes provokes violent reactions, the Combatants for Peace stick to their point of view: missiles and tanks will not bring peace. A peaceful society only comes about when weapons are laid down.
This programme is organised by Oy Vey and Movies That Matter.