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Serene family drama about reindeer hunter Nanook and his wife Sedna, who see their icy world slowly change. Daughter Ága once left after an argument, but now Sedna wants to see her again.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


Reindeer hunter Nanook and his wife Sedna live somewhere in the icy wastes of the north, where the ground is permanently covered with snow. It is a world where time seemingly stands still. A closer look reveals lots of changes, however: the ice is melting earlier and earlier in the year and there are fewer and fewer animals to hunt. Occasionally their son Chena drops by. He is their last link to their daughter Ága, who left a long time ago after an argument. Nanook and Sedna have never talked about her since, but having fallen ill, Sedna now wants to see her daughter once more.

Director Milko Lazarov got the idea for this film after having met Turkish filmmaker/anthropologist Asen Balikci. He chose expansive and inhospitable Yakutia in Eastern Siberia as the location for his now award-winning Inuit story. Shooting the film was demanding, but you don't make films for your own pleasure, as Lazarov put it.

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