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The Day After

The wife of publisher Bongwon suspects him of cheating with his new assistant. But that is not true - he cheated with his previous assistant.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

The Day After

With three films released in one year, 2017 was a very productive year for South Korean director Hong Sangsoo. All three also hit cinemas in the Netherlands: On the Beach at Night Alone, Claire's Camera and The Day After – yet another story of love, lies and deception.

Literary publisher Bongwan and his new female assistant Areum are at work when his wife bursts into the office. She suspects adultery, but the facts are more complex. Bongwan had an affair with his previous assistant, who recently left. He spins a web of lies to save his own skin, but suspicion remains. This man is not to be trusted. Hong shifts through space and time unpredictably to portray Bongwan's melancholic memories of his beloved assistant. Watching The Day After requires the same kind of suspicion as listening to Bongwan's lies: some truth can be detected in there somewhere, but it requires a sharp eye to catch it.

Only on Mon Aug 12 with English subs at 7:15 pm

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