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Club RIGHTABOUTNOW Movie Night: young Dutch filmmakers from the urban scene. Gianni Grot, Fumi Koswal and Framez will share their visual inspiration and talk about their work.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


Club RIGHTABOUTNOW – Movie Night presents remarkable young Dutch filmmakers from the urban scene, who started out as self-taught video clip makers. Three of them are invited to share their visual inspiration. Their work, their fascinations, their artistic mind and personal artisthood are reasons for a meet & greet and the celebration of crossovers in urban culture.

The programme includes: Aidan by Gianni Grot, Indigo by Fumilayo Koswal and a video clip selection by Framez. The night's moderator is Right About Now creative director Maarten van Hinte.  Aidan tells the story of a young street-smart poet juggling career and care-giving for his demented grandmother. In Indigo we follow the eponymous protagonist; while travelling from the Bijlmer to his grandmother he meets several people who give him wise life lessons. Since 93 zomomes in on talented rapper Cho.


... an Urban Performing Arts Center in Amsterdam, with a metropolitan outlook and an international image. For RIGHTABOUTNOW INC. diversity is the most powerful source of cultural identity, artistic renewal, social change, and innovation. We bring together artists from different cultures, disciplines and subcultures to turn diversity into artistic expressions, by being a platform for new stories in old cities.