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The Interpreter

An 80-year-old Slovak travels to Germany to find the SS man who killed his parents in World War II. He turns out to be dead, but his jovial son is still alive ...

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

The Interpreter

World War II's lasting effects up to the present day: that's the central theme of this character study presented as a road movie by Slovak director Martin Šulík, who previously made Záhrada. He does this lightly and wistfully, with a sense of both tragedy and humour, aided by the excellent acting of Jiří Menzel and Peter Simonischek, best known for his role as the eccentric dad in Toni Erdmann.

80-year-old, slightly cranky Slovak Ali Ungar (Menzel) by chance discovers which SS officer was responsible for his parents' execution during World War II. Wanting to avenge their death, Ungar travels to the Nazi's presumed place of residence. Instead of finding him, he meets his 70-year-old son, the very jovial Georg (Simonischek), a retired teacher. Though he had hardly known his father, Georg now wants to find out what he has been up to during the war in Slovakia. He persuades Ungar to guide him through Slovakia. The two men are very different.

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