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It is 2025 and the war between Ukraine and Russia has finally ended. The traumatized ex-soldier Sergei volunteers to help salvage the corpses. Then he meets Katja.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


The year is 2025; the war between Ukraine and Russia has finally ended. After his layoff from the local foundry, Sergey, an ex-soldier suffering from PTSD, soon finds a new job; driving clean drinking water to the few remaining inhabitants of the heavily polluted area. He comes into touch with Black Tulip, an organisation that recovers the bodies of fallen soldiers to identify them and give them a proper burial. Sergey volunteers to help. Horrible as it may be, the job offers him some peace and redemption. The small spark that ignites between him and fellow volunteer Katya is a ray of hope in a dark, post-apocalyptic world. In addition to directing,

Valentin Vashanovich was also responsible for production, the script and the editing. Besides all of that, he did the camera work as well and he did it quite brilliantly: he has an exceptional eye for composition and colour, thus creating a monumental, poignant epic from the madness of war. Awarded at the Venice Film Festival.

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