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Creature from the Black Lagoon - FEAR IN THE FIFTIES!

In search of unique fossils, Dr. David Reed enters into a previously unexplored Amazonian lagoon. He finds much more than fossils ...

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Creature from the Black Lagoon

Excitement in the world of geology: a webbed-hand fossil has been found in the Amazon. Is this the missing link from sea to land animals? Dr. David Reed manages to get the funds for a second expedition to find the rest of the skeleton. When the search doesn't turn up anything, Reed proposes to go look further in a nearby idyllic lagoon, as yet untouched by humans. The expedition members are unaware that they are being watched by a strange creature, which is particularly interested in Reed's girlfriend Kay.

According to producer William Alland, this archetypal '50s monster movie โ€“ released in the Netherlands as Het monster van de Amazone (The Monster of the Amazon) โ€“ was originally conceived by a Brazilian director whom he had met at a dinner party at Orson Welles' house. The unnamed man had told the story of a friend who went missing while making a documentary about "fish people" of the Amazon.