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Jeanne d'Arc

After Jeanette, about the childhood of the French heroine, now Jeanne d'Arc, about the last days of her short life. With an unmistakable Bruno Dumont twist!

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Jeanne d'Arc

In 2017, Dumont made Jeannette, a film about the childhood of the iconic French heroine Joan of Arc, doing so in the form of a musical with electro-pop music and dancing nuns. In his new film, the French director zooms in on the last days of Joan's short life. Again, Dumont experiments with music and musical-related elements to tell his story, drawing inspiration from the work of Catholic writer Charles Péguy as he did before. Twelve-year-old Lise Leplat Prudhomme, who played young Jeanne in Jeannette, again stars in the lead role.

During the Hundred Years' War against the English in the 15th century, Joan of Arc has led the French army to several victories, but in 1430 she is captured and eventually sold to the English. She is accused of heresy. At the ensuing trial, nineteen-year-old Jeanne has to face old, rigid representatives of the Church.

NRC Handelsblad