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Petite fille

Warm and moving family portrait with eight-year-old Sacha in the centre, who knows for sure that she is a girl, even though she was born in the body of a boy.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Petite fille

Eight-year-old Sacha knows one thing for sure: she wants to be a girl and she knows it as far back as her memories go. But she was born in the body of a boy, and even when she was very young, the prospect of growing up as a boy made her distraught. Her parents and the other family members support her in this, but the outside world is often downright negative towards her wish. At school, she is forced to wear boys' clothes and is often treated differently from her classmates. She can't understand why she can't wear what she wants, that she can't be who she is.

In this warm and moving family portrait, the French director Sébastien Lifshitz (Wild Side) shows that nature is sometimes really wrong; Sacha is a girl – she knows it herself and her parents don't doubt it either. Awarded the Grand Prix at the Ghent Film Festival.