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Genesis 2.0

A documentary that shows that the pseudoscience which helped bring to life dinosaurs in Steven Spielberg's 1993 Jurassic Park, may be less silly than thought at the time.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Genesis 2.0

A documentary that shows that the pseudoscience which helped bring to life dinosaurs in Steven Spielberg's 1993 Jurassic Park, may be less silly than thought at the time. Setting: the remote New Siberian Islands, an archipelago north of eastern Siberia. A place popular among treasure-hunters trying to make it rich with ivory of the tusks of long-extinct mammoths. For ivory is now more valuable than ever, while elephant hunting has been illegal for many years.

Some ivory hunters find a surprisingly well-preserved mammoth carcass — a treasure mine for geneticists and DNA scientists. Their goal: bringing the mammoth back to life. If they succeed, it is the first step in a technological revolution of unprecedented proportions. Will man now be Creator; are we on the eve of Genesis 2.0? Or is it a form of human hubris?