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Kabul, City in the Wind

Opening film IDFA 2018. Life in Afghan's scourged capital Kabul, seen through the eyes of teenager Afshin.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Kabul, City in the Wind

Aboozar Amini (1985) arrived in the Netherlands as a 14-year-old refugee with his brother. He returned to his country of origin to shoot Kabul, City in the Wind. The film tells two stories: young teenaged Afshin is looking after his little brother Benjamin as their father has left to work abroad, making Afshin the man of the house. Amini follows the two boys as they walk the long road from home to a store where they are headed to buy tea and sugar. Their trip provides enough material to evoke a full picture of the boys' world - the world of a ravaged Kabul.

Amini is no stranger to Rialto. He was a jury member of World Cinema Amsterdam 2018 and his short Angelus Novus was screened at the 2015 edition of the festival. His first feature film Kabul, City in the Wind — equally modest and impressive — opened this year's IDFA.

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