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Director Gaspar Noé is known for his extreme and outrageous films. He lives up to his reputation with this new film – a climactic 'musical from hell'.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


Those who saw Irréversible, Enter the Void and Love, the previous films by the Argentinian director Gaspar Noé, will expect a new Noé film to be special, intense and extreme. With Climax, loosely based on a true story, Noé fully meets their expectations. He leads them to the edge of the abyss, where deep down an infernal musical is played out.

1996: a dance troupe meets up in an old school building to rehearse a new choreography. Afterwards it's party time. The troupe's leader, Emmanuelle, has brought sangria spiked with loads of LSD. Everybody starts drinking profusely, and the later it gets, the more the dancers fall into a state of ecstatic, orgiastic, violent trance. Thanks to the fabulous cast of professional dancers, the mesmerizing soundtrack with Daft Punk, Apex Twins, and more as well as Benoit Debie's virtuoso camerawork, Climax has become a film that delivers on its title. Awarded in Cannes.

Only on Mon February 4 with English subs at 9:30 pm

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