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Anita - CinemAsia

Opening with her final concert in 2003, this biopic looks back on the life and legacy of the queen of Cantopop, Anita Mui.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Anita - CinemAsia

A household name in Hong Kong, the queen of Cantopop Anita Mui is the very definition of a Hong Kong cultural icon. The film follows her tremendous career, opening with her final concert in 2003, and looks back on her life and legacy. With humble beginnings singing in an amusement park at the age of four, Mui rapidly rose to stardom and dedicated her entire life to music. Her commanding stage presence and philanthropic work earned her the nickname โ€œThe Daughter of Hong Kong.โ€

With a revelatory debut performance by Louise Wong as Anita Mui, Anita allows us to relive the magic and splendor of Anita Mui once more.