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Farewell Paradise

In the 1960s Sonja Wyss lived with her parents and sisters on the heavenly Bahamas. Suddenly they moved to cold Switzerland. Why and what impact did that have?

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Farewell Paradise

So what actually happened? Filmmaker Sonja Wyss' fascinating documentary reveals that this question has no unequivocal answer – there are only versions, sometimes very differing visions of what happened. Viewers themselves will have to reconstruct the story, thus creating yet a new version of what happened.

In the 1960s, Wyss and her three sisters lived a paradise-like life with their parents in the sunny Bahamas. The family had to leave overnight when the country became independent. The independence was not the only reason for their departure though: her parents wanted a divorce. They moved back to the parents' country of origin: Switzerland, a country perceived as cold, narrow-minded and over-regulated. How did this change affect the different family members? Wyss narrates her own experiences, but also gives her parents and sisters the space to tell their life story.

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