Films Calendar Specials Expat Information Venues

AI in the Picture

A collaboration of Rialto with VU Griffin and VU ART SCIENCE gallery

Rialto VU, VU Griffioen and VU ART SCIENCE gallery join forces to present a program on artificial intelligence and its profound effects on society.

The program explores the impact of AI on our lives; from its role in shaping economies to its impact on personal identity and human relationships. Through the film Blade Runner, the theater lecture Science on Stage and an ART SCIENCE dialogue, participants will be immersed in stories that prompt reflection on the ethical dilemmas raised by AI. This will spark conversations about AI's role on our future.

Text generated by AI.

Image header: G-1000 © Wanda Tuerlinckx, art collection VU (detail)

VU Griffioen

Science on Stage; theater lecture with scientists, music, film clips and panel questions. Three experts (Maaike Harbers, Piek Vossen and Gea Dreschler) will discuss with each other and the audience the opportunities and limitations of AI in, for example, education, health care, ethics and culture. Leoni Jansen and Charlotte van Nee will moderate and present the evening. The musical entertainment will be provided by Jeroen Kramer and AI.

Di 21 May | 20:00
Location: NU Building | De Boelelaan 1111 | Great Hall


Exhibition of photographic portraits of androids by Wanda Tuerlinckx in the NU Building Atrium and an ART SCIENCE dialogue on evolution of life and robots with personality between artist Wanda Tuerlinckx and Professor of AI and Robotics Guszti Eiben, led by Klaas de Zwaan, associate professor of Media Studies. Language: English.

Wed 22 May | from 16:15
Location: Atrium NU building | De Boelelaan 1111

Rialto VU

Film Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982, United States, 117'); classic science fiction film in which androids do battle with humans. Introduction by Professor of AI and Robotics Guszti Eiben and artist Wanda Tuerlinckx.

Wed 22 May | 18:00
Location: cinema NU building | De Boelelaan 1111