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Onder het maaiveld (Living Soil) - Expat Cinema

Fascinating look at an almost invisible world: life underground. Without all those organisms, we cannot exist above ground either. From the maker of De wilde stad.
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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Onder het maaiveld (Living Soil)

Amazing as it may sound, a lot of life on earth is invisible and therefore unknown to most people. Nature filmmaker Mark Verkerk, who previously made De nieuwe wildernis and De wilde stad, wants to make that world visible in his new film - the world of underground life. There you will find roots, larvae, worms, fungi, bacteria and countless other organisms; one teaspoon of healthy soil contains more organisms than there are people on earth.

In his film, Verkerk not only shows what that world looks like, he also depicts how all that life communicates with each other underground. And how that underground world is related to what lives above ground, how one cannot live without the other. It is clear that we have arrived at an important point in our dealings with the soil, because if we want to prevent it from becoming barren and sterile, we cannot continue on the same footing with our agriculture, industry and insatiable consumerism.