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Letzter Abend - Expat Cinema

Clemens and Lisa's relationship has seen its best days. To turn the tide, they decide to move to Berlin. Remaining is a farewell dinner for friends. It will be a strange evening.
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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Letzter Abend

It's summer, corona hasn't disappeared yet, but you're allowed to invite some people at home again. And just in these troubled times, Clemens (Sebastian Jakob Doppelbauer) and his girlfriend Lisa (Pauline Werner) decide to move from Hanover to Berlin, because Lisa, she is a neurologist, has found a job in a big Berlin university hospital. Perhaps change will be good for them, as their relationship is not what it used to be. As a farewell, they invite all their old friends to dinner one more time. But that goes wrong: not all the ingredients for Lisa's lasagne are in the house and many friends cancel. On the other hand, the friends who do come bring uninvited guests. The party atmosphere is below zero and, especially after just too many drinks, emotions are expressed more and more freely.

This delightful mix of drama and comedy, which is all about the actors and the dialogues, was shot in just one week. Director Lukas Nathrath co-wrote the screenplay for this feature debut with Doppelbauer.