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Samsara - Expat Cinema

From the temples in Laos to the beaches of Zanzibar, a soul is accompanied on its passage from one body to another.
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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


In Laos, dozens of monks live and study in beautiful Buddhist temples. Every day, a young monk crosses the river to read an old woman a text that serves as a guide to finding her way to the afterlife. When the woman dies, her spirit begins a sensory journey to reincarnation in the next body. To complete the journey, she has to be carried away by light and sound.

The cycle of birth, life, death and reincarnation - this is what the Sanskrit word samsara refers to. The rituals involved differ from one religion to another. With a whirlwind of sounds and colours, director Lois Patiño shows the cycle in a special and impressive way. He sees Samsara as a reflection on the relationship between man and the nature he inhabits. In this film, he portrays the intimate, meditative journey in Laos, Tanzania and Zanzibar.