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Melk - Expat Cinema

Robin's child is stillborn, but her body does produce milk. She wants to do something good with it, but to her frustration, the authorities forbid it.
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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


During labour, things go wrong: Robin and her boyfriend Jonas' child is stillborn. As dejected as she is, her breasts start producing milk as if nothing happened. To still give some meaning to all the adversity, Robin decides to preserve the milk so that it can be given to babies who need it. But the authorities inform her that her milk cannot be used because she once had a venereal disease. Robin does not accept this; she is determined to donate milk.

In this feature debut, director Stefanie Kolk shows how immeasurable the grief is when the bond between mother and child is so cruelly severed. She does this without making the drama very heavy, but limits herself to showing grief in its most natural form: in silence. Actress Frieda Bernard convinces with brilliance by the restraint with which she portrays Robin and her grief.