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Levante - Expat Cinema

Sofia is the star of the volleyball team at her high school. Just before an all-important match, she discovers she is pregnant.
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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


For Sofia, volleyball is her joy and her life. She is the star of the volleyball team at her high school and a bright future lies ahead, until she discovers just before an all-important match that she is pregnant. In a country where abortion is illegal, her choices seem limited. Her search for the option to terminate the pregnancy becomes especially difficult when she becomes the target of right-wing activists who try to dissuade her from getting an abortion.

Levante is the debut feature by Brazilian filmmaker Lillah Halla and premiered at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival. The film is a celebration of the strength Sofia and her teammates find in their friendship and their refusal to condemn each other's lives. The delicate balancing act between acceptance of reality and the desire to change it makes Levante a powerful film and a call for inclusion rather than intolerance.

Expat Cinema Meet-up: Sunday June 16

Join our Expat Meet-ups! Meet likeminded people, watch recent foreign language films with English subs and get together for drinks. Twice a month at Rialto VU.

Screening on Sunday June 16 at 5:00PM: Levante. Afterwards we'll get together for talks & drinks. Click here for tickets for this screening.

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