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Amor y matemáticas - Expat Cinema

Bittersweet trip down Memory Lane in which former pop star Billy - now a stay-at-home dad - reflects on his former life of fans and music.
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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Amor y matemáticas

Former pop star Billy is now in his 30s and leads a quiet life with his wife Lucia and their infant son. Since Lucia works during the week, Billy is in charge of childcare and housekeeping. However, the house-hugging is not quite a him. The adoration of neighbor next door Monica reminds Billy of what his life as an artist used to be like, with fans stroking his ego. It also reminds him of his passion for music, and he starts playing guitar again.

This bittersweet trip down Memory Lane causes Billy's dissatisfaction with life to reach a turning point, and he begins to consider ways to break the ties that bind him to his boring life. A funny and stylized film by director Claudia Sainte-Luce about affluent people who never actually dare to take the step to do what they really want in life. A sharp satire on the unimaginative nature of the Mexican middle class.