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Fucking Åmål (pride re-release) - Expat Cinema

There is absolutely nothing to do in Åmål, Sweden. There, the lives of two teenage girls cross: the lonely Agnes and the popular Elin.
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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Fucking Åmål (pride re-release)

There is not much to do in the boring Swedish provincial town of Åmål. Gloomy teenager Agnes (Rebecca Liljeberg) has only lived there for a short time and does not belong. She is secretly in love with Elin (Alexandra Dahlström), the most popular girl in school, but has nowhere to turn with her feelings. Against her will, her parents organise a birthday party for her and, lo and behold, Elin also shows up. But during the party, she makes a fool of Agnes. Afterwards, she regrets it, because she has to admit to herself that she has become fascinated by Agnes' courage. Slowly, the two grow closer.

This heartwarming feature debut by Lukas Moodysson was very well received everywhere. For instance, online magazine Autostraddle for lesbian, bisexual and queer women put the film at 1 in their Top Ten Best Lesbian Films. In Åmål itself, people were less enthusiastic: they feared image damage. Meanwhile, people there too have embraced the film with the annual Fucking Åmål Pop Festival.