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When the Light Breaks - Expat Cinema

Art student Una has a secret relationship with Diddi. Secret because the latter is actually still with Klara. When he is on his way to break up with her, a terrible accident happens.
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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

When the Light Breaks

Art student Una has a love affair with Diddi. No matter how much they love each other, the relationship has to remain a secret for a while, as Diddi has to break up with his official girlfriend Klara first. As he is on his way to her for that, something terrible happens: he ends up in a scorching tunnel fire, killing many; he too perishes in the blaze. Una is caught off guard by the news at school and many hours of uncertainty follow. When it is confirmed that Diddi too is among the victims, her world collapses. Diddi's friends have come together to stand by each other, and Una has also joined them. She struggles to find a place in this company, which becomes even more difficult when Klara arrives.

In this impressive and critically acclaimed drama, director RĂșnar RĂșnarsson paints a nuanced and heartfelt picture of grief and intense sorrow. It becomes clear that everyone deals with loss in his/her own way.