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I'm Still Here - Expat Cinema

What is it like to live under a military regime and who is brave enough to resist it? Walter Salles shows in this story based om true events.
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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

I'm Still Here

Brazil, 1970: for six years the country has been ruled with a heavy hand by a military regime. Former congressman Rubens Paiva rebels, which costs him dearly: he is arrested, after which he is never heard from again. His wife Eunice is also arrested because the authorities want her to betray her friends and family. She does not and is released after 12 days. From then on, her life is dominated by the search for the truth; what happened to her husband and all the thousands of others who disappeared?

Director Walter Salles (Central do Brasil, The Motorcycle Diaries) based this true story on the memoirs of Paiva's son Marcelo Rubens, a story about life in a dictatorship and the courage of those who resist it. Salles knows the story like no other as he knew the Paiva family since childhood. With a stunning performance by Fernanda Torres as Eunice.

Expat cinema meet-up: Sunday March 16th

Join our Expat Meet-ups! Meet likeminded people, watch recent foreign language films with English subs and get together for drinks. Twice a month at Rialto VU.

Screening on Sunday March 16th at 5:00 pm: I'm Still Here. Afterwards we'll get together for talks & drinks. Click here for tickets for this screening.

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