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A Fish Tale - Seret Israeli Film Festival

Documentary about Johnny, a man who dreams of a future as a fisherman in Africa. His wife Therese turns out to have other plans.
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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

A Fish Tale

Johnny believes in the future of Africa. He is confident he will not be cleaning toilets in Israel for the rest of his life, he decides to learn the technology of producing fish. His wife Therese and their three children leave for Africa, while he decides to follow them after he will finish his fish studies.

Then suddenly he hears the news: Therese and the children haven’t arrived in Africa. In Amsterdam’s airport, waiting for their connecting flight to Ghana, Therese made a decision to stay with her children in Holland. Feeling betrayed Johnny gives up on the fish farm dream and buys a ticket to Ghana with a stop in Amsterdam.